
2 min read
Entering the Unknown
This is what we are most afraid of. The Unknown. “Where am I going?", “What’s going to happen?" We are always asking these questions....
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2 min read
Dis-Comfort Zone
Dis. Meaning ‘apart’, ‘away from’. Away from comfort. The last two years have been one big heap of discomfort. I stepped away from my...
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3 min read
The Greatest Teacher
My father's death was the beginning of me, but the birth of my son was the becoming of me. At my father's unexpected cremation (he being...
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2 min read
Creativity needs space. Creativity needs Ease. Pure creativity is not trying, it is flowing. It is Allowing things to come. To create you...
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1 min read
Dunia or the World
The World is a Fear-Based Experience of Reality. The World is a sense-world: felt, seen, touched, heard, smelled, thought and understood...
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2 min read
The Heart
The Heart is not physical, but energetic. It is the seat of the Soul, the driver of Destiny. It is not like the Mind, which thinks....
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